Hyderabad police has booked a case of cheating against Telugu film producer Bellamkonda Suresh and his son and actor Bellamkonda Sai Srinivas for allegedly cheating a financier to the tune of Rs 85 lakh. A case was booked on Friday against the duo by the Central Crime Station (CCS) police on the direction of a city court.
VL Sravan Kumar had approached the court complaining that the producer and his son took the money in installments from him during 2018 to make a movie. The petitioner claimed that the producer had promised to take him as assistant producer for a film to be made under the direction of Malineni Gopichand.
The financier informed the court that believing their word, he paid them the amount but they cheated him. The court had directed the police to file a case against Suresh and Srinivas.
The CCS police registered a case under Indian Penal Code's Sections 406 (criminal breach of trust), 417, 420 (cheating), and 120 B (criminal conspiracy).
As part of the investigation, the police asked the complainant to appear before the investigating officer with relevant documents and record his statement.