Kaithi 2, the sequel to Lokesh Kanagaraj and Karthi's 2019 film is reportedly to go on floors this year. According to speculations, pre-production work on the film will start immediately after Lokesh wraps up filming for Vijay's Leo.
Reports suggest that Lokesh Kanagaraj has already come up with a rough screenplay for Kaithi 2. He is expected to begin shooting for the film by the end of this year. However, we still await official confirmation from the maker
Dream Warrior Pictures first announced the sequel to Kaithi in 2019 immediately after the success of the first part. However, the project got delayed due to Karthi and Lokesh's prior commitments.
More recently, Karthi's character Dilli from Kaithi made an appearance in Vikram, with which Lokesh established a new cinematic universe. It is not yet known if the director is planning to further expand the universe by bringing in Kamal's character Vikram and Suriya's Rolex to Kaithi 2.
Karthi is all set to see the release of Ponniyin Selvan II in April. He is also working on his 25th film Japan, directed by Raju Murugan.