Ayushman Bhava is a special film in Shivarajkumar’s career for many reasons. He is not only reuniting with his Shivalinga-director P Vasu in this musical thriller, but is also working with long-time friend and producer Yogi Dwarakish.
“Vasu never forgets his roots and always comes up with fresh ideas. For me, he is a director who always makes sure to explore a subject that has the right blend of family values, sentiments, and love. At the same time, he keeps himself updated with the current trends. Secondly, I like the way he goes about the details while making any film. Even though he’s been a director since the 80s, Vasu always comes across as a director with new perspectives... someone who looks out for new stories,” says Shivanna, adding that he had always been looking for a good subject to collaborate on with his friend Yogi, and Vasu’s subject was the perfect one.
The 121-film-old actor, who is currently shooting for Bhajarangi 2, feels that with age and experience, he is looking for subjects that have a mix of entertainment and relevant social messages. “The same thought goes in when I watch a film as an audience. There is a kind of excitement when I watch films that are socially-driven, and Ayushman Bhava has that, and is entertaining,” he says.
The shooting process of Ayushman Bhava, which has Rachita Ram playing the female lead, was a little painful for the Hattrick hero, who acted despite suffering a shoulder injury. “I wanted to complete the shooting because I didn’t want to put the producers at risk. If I backed out, it would have only caused further delay,” he explains.
Shivanna shares a special bond with senior actor Anant Nag, who plays a pivotal role in Ayushman Bhava. “Ayushman Bhava is my fifth film with Anant Nag, and he has always looked the same to me. There is something special about this actor. He spreads his positive aura to the people around him. When he speaks in Kannada, it sounds soothing to the ears,” says Shivanna.
Without revealing much about his role, Shivanna says that music plays an important character in the film. “With various characters coming into the picture, this is a musical thriller that will also be a visual treat. It gives complete justification to the title, Ayushman Bhava, which means 'long life',” says the actor.