The official trailer of Mathil, starring KS Ravikumar in the lead role, has been released. The film follows Laxmikanthan (Ravikumar) who sets out on an uphill battle against a local politician (Mime Gopi) when the latter illegally starts using the wall of Laxmikanthan's newly-built house for an election campaign.
Mithran Jawahar, best known for directing Yaaradi Nee Mohini, Kutty, and Uthamaputhiran, is helming the project. Earlier, the filmmaker had said, "As I have directed only family dramas and comedies so far, this is a special and challenging project. This is the first time I am making a movie on a social cause."
Mathil, which also stars Madhumita, Kathadi Ramamurthy, and Lollu Sabha Swaminathan, is set to premiere on Zee5 on April 14.