The makers of the upcoming Kannada-Telugu bilingual Line Man have announced that their film has wrapped up its censorship formalities. The film is presented with a ‘U’ certificate. Line Man stars Thrigun in the lead role in what is his maiden Kannada film. The film was initially supposed to release on March 15, but its makers moved the release date a week ahead. The film is now hitting theatres on March 22 instead.
Line Man is directed by V Raghu Shastry and set in the Mandya region. Thrigun plays Nattu, the village’s only electrician. What happens to Nattu when the villagers refuse electricity forms the crux of the film.
Line Man also stars Kaajal Kunder, B Jayashree, Niviksha Naidu, Harini Srikanth, Sujay Shastry, and Apoorva Shree, among others. The film is produced by the banner Purple Rock Entertainers. Kadri Manikanth is the music director of the film, with cinematography by Shanthi Sagar HG, editing by Raghunatha L, and production design by Surya Gowda.