Independent filmmaker Phanindra Narsetti, best known for his short films Backspace (2012), Madhuram (2014), and his crowdfunded feature film debut Manu (2018), is returning to film direction with a new project. Titled 8 Vasanthalu, the film is produced by Naveen Yerneni and Ravi Shankar under the Mythri Movie Makers banner. The film was announced on Valentine’s Day with a title poster, which features a water painting of a rose immersed in rain.
8 Vasanthalu is a coming-of-age romantic drama that takes place chronologically over the space of eight years. It stars Ananthika Sanilkumar, who has appeared in the campus drama MAD and, more recently, Aishwarya Rajinikanth’s Lal Salaam. 8 Vasanthalu’s poster comes with the tagline, “365 rojulu ankelatho kolisthe oka samvatsaram…ade anubhavam kolisthe, adhe oka vasantham” (It takes 365 days to measure a year, but a measure of experience makes a spring). The names of the cast and crew members will be announced shortly.