Actor Samantha announced her upcoming film titled Maa Inti Bangaram on Sunday, on the occasion of her birthday. Taking a cue from the title, the film’s announcement and first look reads as follows. “Not everything that glitters has to be golden. Here’s the intriguing and captivating first look of Samantha Ruth Prabhu’s next, titled as Maa Inti Bangaram.”
The first look features the actor wielding a gun while donning the look of a traditional Indian married woman. Her arms are splattered with blood while we see a teddy bear and a pressure cooker on the verge of explosion in the background painted in hues of red. Maa Inti Bangaram is produced by Samantha, under her home production banner Tralala Moving Pictures. Samantha announced her plans to venture into film production last December. The rest of the cast and crew are yet to be revealed.
Samantha was last seen in Shaakuntalam and Kushi. She will be appearing next in Citadel - Honey Bunny, the Indian installment of the Prime Original espionage-themed series Citadel. Citadel - Honey Bunny, also starring Varun Dhawan, will see her reunite with her The Family Man showrunners Raj and DK. Samantha is also rumoured to star next in Allu Arjun’s upcoming film with Atlee.