Rashmika Mandanna will soon be seen in The Girlfriend. Earlier, the makers had planned to release their film’s special teaser on Rashmika’s birthday, i.e. April 5. However, the film’s director Rahul Ravindran shared an update about delay in the teaser unveiling.
Taking to his X page, Rahul posted, “We have The Girlfriend teaser for Rashmika’s birthday ready. However, we want to go grand and make the event very special. Keeping this in mind, we have decided to postpone the teaser launch to a later date this month.”
The director also informed that the makers are planning an event with Rashmika and her fans. He added in his X post, “To her fans across the country, we love her as much as you do. And we love you. Please bear with us a few more days. We shall announce a new date soon. We shall introduce you to ‘The Girlfriend’ soon.”
Rahul, who is also the writer for The Girlfriend, has previously made films like Chi La Sow (2018) and Manmudhudu 2 (2019). Rashmika, meanwhile, was last seen in Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s directorial Animal, which emerged as one of the biggest hits of the year.
The Girlfriend was officially launched in October 2023. The film is being produced under the banner of Geetha Arts, while Allu Aravind is presenting the film.