The trailer for Balagam, an upcoming social drama film starring Priyadarshi Pulikonda and Kavya Kalyanram is out. The film will be released on March 3. Balagam is the debut directorial of Venu Yeldandi, who is a comic actor in the Telugu film industry and has starred in the ETV show Jabardasth.
The trailer of Balagam shows us a world set in rural Telangana. We see a love story between the film's leads, in addition to some drama revolving around unpaid debts and feuds between various members of the village. The makers of Balagam have already released some songs from the film, namely, Potti Pilla, Balarama Narasayyo and Ooru Palletooru. The film's music has been composed by Dhamaka-fame music director Bheems Ceciroleo.
Here's the video:
Balagam is presented by Shirish of Sri Venkateswara Creations, and produced by Harshith and Hanshita Reddy, under the banner, Dil Raju Productions.
Balagam marks Priyadarshi's return to lead roles after his 2021 starrer, Mail. The film's technical team comprises of Acharya Venu and Madhu, handling cinematography and editing, respectively.