The makers of the upcoming Telugu film Saindhav, starring Venkatesh Daggubati in the lead role, released the first single, Wrong Usage, from the film on Tuesday. Composed by Santhosh Narayanan with lyrics penned by Chandrabose, the dance number has been sung by Nakash Aziz and choreographed by Sekhar Master.
Here's the song
Produced by Venkat Boyanapalli under the banner Niharika Entertainments, Saindhav is written and directed by Dr Sailesh Kolanu. The film also stars Shraddha Srinath, Ruhani Sharma, Andrea Jeremiah, Arya, Jayaram and Nawazuddin Siddiqui.
S Manikandan is the cinematographer of Saindhav, with editing and production design performed by Garry BH and Avinash Kolla, respectively. The film, originally scheduled to release on December 22, is now hitting theatres on January 13.