We had previously reported that Nikhil Siddhartha will be headlining a film titled Spy. The actor took to Twitter on Monday to share that the film will be releasing in theatres in Summer. While sharing a monochrome picture in which he can be seen armoured up and holding a gun, Nikhil tweeted, "Official Leak. Will be a massive, multi-language, national thriller. This Summer in theatres across India."
The filming of Spy is currently in progress in the Middle East. The film marks the directorial debut of Garry BH, who served as an editor on films like Goodachari (2018), Evaru (2019), HIT: The First Case (2020), Paagal (2021) and HIT: The Second Case (2022).
Spy stars Iswarya Menon and Sanya Thakur in prominent roles while Sricharan Pakala and Julian Amaru Estrada handle the music and cinematography departments, respectively. K Rajashekhar Reddy, who also wrote the story, is bankrolling the project through Ed Entertainments.