The release of Samantha's Shaakuntahalam, helmed by Gunasekhar, has been postponed to a later date. The film was originally scheduled for release on February 17 in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam and Hindi. The announcement regarding the postponement was made across all social media platforms by Gunasekhar’s home banner Gunaa Teamworks.
The post read, "We regret to inform you that we would not be able to release Shaakuntalam this 17th of February. We would be announcing the release date soon. Thank you for your continued support and love. Coincidentally, the Vishwak Sen starrer Das ki Dhamki, another film scheduled for a 17 February release, has also announced the postponement of their film’s release."
Shaakuntalam is an adaptation of Kalidasa’s Sanskrit play Abhijnanashakuntalam, widely considered to be one of the finest works of literature to have emerged from the Indian canon. Shaakuntalam, headlined by Samantha, has Malayalam actor Dev Mohan (in his Telugu debut) as its male lead. Mohan Babu, Gautami, Madhoo, Ananya Nagalla, Jisshu Sengupta and Aditi Balan are playing supporting roles.
Shaakuntalam is produced by Gunasekhar’s daughter, Neelima Guna and distributed by Dil Raju. Veteran music director Mani Sharma has composed the music for Shaakuntalam, with Sekhar V Joseph and Prawin Pudi providing cinematography and editing, respectively.