The postponement of SS Rajamouli's RRR has paved the way for several small films to line up for Sankranthi. The latest to join the bandwagon is Dr Rajsekhar's crime-thriller Sekhar. "The shooting has already been completed and the first copy is ready. We have decided to release Sekhar during Sankranthi and will announce the release date by the weekend," informs a source from the production unit.
A remake of Malayalam's acclaimed hit Joseph (2018), Sekhar tells the story of a suspended police officer and his resolve to unravel the mystery behind a murder case. The PSV Garudavega actor has gone through a makeover and will be seen sporting a salt-and-pepper look for the first time in the film. The film was shot extensively in Araku, Srisailam, and Hyderabad.
Directed by Jeevitha Rajasekhar, Sekhar also has Athmiya Rajan and Muskaan Khubchandani as the female leads. Apart from Sekhar, several films including Rowdy Boys, DJ Tillu, Hero, Super Machi, Radhe Shyam, and Bangarraju are also vying for box-office supremacy.