Aadi Sai Kumar, who was last seen in Shashi last, has announced his new film with debut director Phani Krishna Siriki. Titled Crazy Fellow, the film will be produced by KK Radmohan's Sri Sathya Sai Arts, as their 10th project.
Starring Digangana Suryavanshi and Mirnaa Menon as the female leads, the shooting of the film has already begun.
Aadi will be reportedly be seen in an entirely different role in the film and it will be a full-fledged entertainer. The film has music by RR Dhruvan and cinematography by Satish Mutyala.
Apart from Crazy Fellow, Aadi has the Tamil-Telugu bilingual Jungle, Kirathaka and Amaran in the City: Chapter 1 in various stages of production.