A new schedule of Liger starring Vijay Deverakonda and Ananya Panday was kickstarted in Mumbai on Monday. The team, reportedly, is filming a peppy song on Vijay and Ananya in a specially erected set. Charmmee Kaur, the producer of Liger had shared the information on Twitter and said that Vijay has danced 'like never before'.
Directed by Puri Jagannadh, Liger features Vijay Deverakonda as a martial artist with a stutter. The actor had trained extensively in MMA and other combat sports in Thailand and will be sporting six-pack abs and a new hairdo for the part.
The film also features boxing legend Mike Tyson in a special role and the makers will soon leave for the US to complete these portions.
Produced by Puri Connects in association with Dharma Productions, Liger also has Ramya Krishnan and Ronit Roy in prominent roles.
The film will release early next year in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada and Hindi.
#LIGER song shoot in mumbai , and trust me , @TheDeverakonda is dancing like never before., expect a full massy crazy feast