Renowned Telugu film lyricist Padma Shri Chembolu Seetharama Sastry, popularly known as Sirivennela Seetharama Sastry, died of lung cancer in a corporate hospital at Secunderabad on Tuesday afternoon. He was 66 and is survived by his wife and two sons.
His family members admitted him to the hospital on November 24 after he complained of uneasiness. His condition got deteriorated on Tuesday and he died while undergoing treatment.
Born on May 20, 1955, at Anakapalli, Andhra Pradesh, Seetharama Sastry started writing lyrics with the film Janani Janmabhoomi (1984). He attained fame with director K Viswanath's Sirivennela (1986) and the film's success has become his pseudo-identity as a prefix to his own name. Interestingly, it is K Viswanath, who suggested Seetharama Sastry use his own name along with the film's name.
The 11-time Nandi award-winning lyricist, Sirivennela wrote a variety of songs ranging from devotional, romantic, folk, mass, and classic poetry. At a time when music directors dominated the film world, Sirivennela secured a space for poetry and meaningful lines and also an identity for himself.
Some of his popular hits include Vidhata Thalapuna, Gopilola, Nallanchu Thella Cheera, Thevavarademo Swamy Sinni Sinni Korikaladaga, Jagamantha Kutumbam Naadi, and the Samajavaragamana. He also appeared in a cameo in Gayam, featuring Jagapathi Babu and Revathi.
Condolences and tributes are pouring in from people from all walks of life to the literary doyen.