The trailer of Hip Hop Adhi starrer Anbarivu, the upcoming family entertainer directed by debutant Aswin Ram, has dropped. Following the posters which teased the first dual role of the actor-composer, the new promo confirms it.
Anbu and Arivu are twins separated at birth, while Anbu is raised in village by his grandfather played by Napolean, Arivu is an NRI living with his father (Sai Kumar). They both discover each other and decide to switch places to bring their family together. And they also have a villain in the form of actor Vidaarth, who has donned an aged getup for the first time in this film.
The plotline and the characterisation of Anbu and Arivu give us memories of Suriya's Vel, which had a very identical storyline. Produced by Sathya Jyothi Films, the film has huge star cast that includes Napolean, Vidaarth, Kashmira Pardeshi, Saikumar, Asha Sharath and Dheena.
The film has music by Hiphop Tamizha. Though the film was planned for a theatrical release, the makers Sathya Jyothi films have recently opted for a Disney+Hotstar OTT release on January 7, 2022, a week ahead of Pongal weekend.