Actors Siddharth and Aditi Rao Hydari announced their engagement on Thursday. Earlier, there were reports that the actors had secretly gotten married in a temple in Telangana. Hydari also missed the date reveal event of her upcoming series Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar which fueled the speculations.
At the event, the host Sachin Kumbhar said that Hydari has missed the event as she is “getting married today.” “Aditi is one of the important parts of 'Heeramandi' and she is not here today, and there's a reason because she got married today,” he said, adding, “So, we will congratulate her from here. It's special for her as the universe is conspiring to bring it all together. All special events are happening this evening.”
However, today, Hydari took to Instagram to share a pic with her to-be-husband Siddharth. IN the pictures the two of them can be seen flaunting their engagement rings. “He said yes! E. N. G. A. G. E. D,” she captioned the post.
As per reports, Hydari and Siddharth began dating each other after they collaborated on the Tamil-Telugu film Maha Samudram (2021). She was previously married to actor Satyadeep Mishra, who got hitched to designer Masaba Gupta last year.