The makers of the upcoming Tamil film Romeo, starring Vijay Antony in the lead role, released the film's trailer on Monday. Written and directed by Vinayak Vaithianathan, the film stars Mrinalini Ravi as the female lead.
The trailer shows Vijay and Mrinalini as married couples. However, only the husband is invested in the marriage, while the wife is indifferent and longs for a divorce. As the trailer progresses, it showcases how Vijay's character is in love with his wife and his attempts to make their marriage work.
Besides playing the lead role, Vijay Antony also serves as the editor of the film. Produced by Meera Vijay Antony under the banner Vijay Antony Film Corporation, the film will also be released in Telugu as Love Guru.
The film also stars Yogi Babu, VTV Ganesh, Ilavarasu, Thalaivasal Vijay, Sudha, and Sreeja Ra, among others.
The film's technical crew is comprised of cinematographer Farook J Basha and music composer Barath Dhanasekarm. A release date for the film is yet to be announced.