We had earlier reported that Jai and Aishwarya Rajesh will be working on a film titled Theera Kaadhal. The makers have now announced that the film's trailer will release on Wednesday evening.
Directed by Rohin Venkatesan, the film also stars Sshivada and child actor Vriddhi Vishal in a prominent roles. Theera Kaadhal is the director's third film after Petromax and Adhe Kangal.
The technical team of Theera Kaadhal includes cinematographer Ravi Varman Neelamangalam, editor Prasanna and music composer Siddhu Kumar. G R Surendarnath has penned the dialogues for Theera Kaadhal, with Rohin. Billed as a romantic drama, the film will make its post-theatrical digital premiere on Netflix. The theatrical release date is yet to be announced.
The film is backed by Lyca Productions.