Soppana Sundari, the recently released Tamil film starring actor Aishwarya Rajesh in the lead role, is set to premiere on Disney+ Hotstar on May 12, the streaming platform announced on social media. The film will also be available on Telugu, Malayalm, Kannada and Hindi.
Directed by SG Charles, Soppana Sundari is a dark comedy film which also stars Lakshmipriyaa Chandramouli, Deepa Shankar, Mime Gopi, Karunakaran, Redin Kinglsey, Sunil Reddy, among others. The film revolves around a car that is won at a raffle draw and how various parties contend as the rightful owners of the car.
The film is produced by Hamsini Entertainment & Huebox Studios and Ahimsa Entertainment. Soppana Sundari's technical team includes Bala Murugan and Vignesh Rajagopalan in cinematography and K Sarath Kumar in editing. The music is composed by Ajmal Tahseen.