Karthik Subbaraj is currently shooting for Jigarthanda Double X with Raghava Lawrence and SJ Suryah as the leads. Malayalam actor Nimisha Sajayan, noted for her work in films like The Great Indian Kitchen, Thondimuthalum Driksakshiyum, and Nayattu, is reportedly playing the female lead in it. Another Malayali actor named Vishnu Govindan joined the cast recently. Vishnu is best known for his performance in Attention Please, which, interestingly, was backed by Karthik Subbaraj. It was his maiden production venture in Malayalam.
Jigarthanda Double X is billed as a spiritual sequel to Karthik's acclaimed 2014-film Jigarthanda, which starred Siddharth, Bobby Simha, Lakshmi Menon, Karunakaran, and Guru Somasundaram. The film was a commerical success that also went on to win two National Film Awards—Best Supporting Actor for Bobby Simha and Best Editing for Vivek Harshan.
According to reports, the sequel will not be a continuation of the original film and will feature a new story with a new set of characters although the Madurai setting has been retained.