Ayan, the Suriya-starrer film directed by late filmmaker KV Anand, marked its 14th anniversary on Monday. Marking the occasion, the makers of the film, AVM Productions, shared a trivia. In the social media post, the production house noted that the director had approached them with Ayan script, which he had written with Suriya in mind. They also noted that Anand wanted to shoot differently abroad. AVM Guhan gave a go-ahead to shoot in any country, and that's how they chose Africa to be the destination for the film. Ayan also stars Prabhu, Tamannaah, Jagan and Akashdeep Saighal, among several others.
The action thriller film has Suriya as Deva. He works for a smuggler who has been taking care of him for a long time. And when Deva's best friend is killed, he decides to help the cop to catch the drug lord.