Actor Aishwarya Rajesh has signed a new project titled Manik. Said to be a Tamil-Hindi bilingual, Samrat Chakraborty, who has penned films like Ludo, Jagga Jasoos, Chhatrasal will direct the movie.
The film will also feature Samyuktha Shanmuganathan, Vivek Prasanna, Sai Janani and Svar Kamble in supporting roles. Manik is produced by Endemol Shine India with Nutmeg Productions.
“The psychological thriller genre is currently hot in India and we are seeing a huge audience base for this kind of cinema that engages the viewer from start to finish. We are delighted to bring Manik to the audience with its gripping plot brought to life by the stellar star cast under the fantastic direction of the very talented Samrat. Can’t wait for the world to see this film,” said Rishi Negi, CEO, Endemol Shine India
The film will go on floors this month in Nainital and is scheduled to release next year.
Meanwhile, Aishwarya has films like Driver Jamuna, Idam Porul Yaeval, Mohandas and The Great Indian Kitchen.