We had earlier reported that Aishwarya Rajesh was headlining Vathikuchi director P Kinslin's next, Driver Jamuna. The first look of the film was launched today. The two posters unveiled featured an intense and bruised Aishwarya.
Backed by SP Choudhary of 18 Reels, Driver Jamuna is an out-and-out road film that revolves around Aishwarya's titular character, who is a cab driver. Talking about the film, Kinslin says, “Currently, we witness many women working as call taxi drivers. Driver Jamuna revolves around the dramatic events that happen on the day of a woman cab driver. Aishwarya Rajesh has prepared for this role in an effective manner by interacting with several female cab drivers and observing their body language and mannerisms. Aishwarya Rajesh has performed every single shot without using any dupes. Her ability to focus on the road while driving, and at the same time, perfectly render dialogues with her co-stars surprised everyone on the sets.”
Driver Jamuna also stars Aadukalam Naren, Sri Ranjani, Abhishek, Rajesh, and many others. The film has a rich technical team that includes cinematographer Gokul Benoy, composer Ghibran, art director Don Bala and editor R Ramar.
Driver Jamuna will be released in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada.