In a recently released video on the Netflix India's Youtube channel, the Russo Brothers were seen reacting to scenes from Dhanush’s Jagame Thandhiram. Reacting to Dhanush's dancing moves from the Rakita Rakita song, Anthony Russo says, “Dhanush is a master of movement, there is a surprising similarity between dancing and fighting.” Joe Russo then adds to it while watching a fight scene from the film. He says “He has a certain style when he moves. He adopts it very specifically for the character he’s playing here.”
Anthony Russo heaped praises while reminiscing about Dhanush’s performance. He said, “He is such a dexterous actor, Dhanush. He is able to do this very intense action while holding on to this attitude and casualness in his character.”
Dhanush and director Karthik Subbaraj, who directed Jagame Thandhiram, took to Twitter to thank the Russo’s for reacting to clips from their film.
The video was made as part of the ongoing promotional drive for Netflix’s The Gray Man starring Ryan Gosling in the lead. The film also stars Chris Evans, Ana De Armas, and Dhanushin in supporting roles. The film started streaming on Netflix from 22 July. A spinoff starring Dhanush’s character in the lead was recently confirmed.