We had previously reported that Rajinikanth will be teaming up with director Nelson Dilipkumar for the veteran actor's 169th film. When the project was confirmed, it was also announced that Anirudh will be composing music for the film. While the rest of the cast and crew of the film are yet to be revealed, according to reports, it's speculated that Priyanka Mohan is a part of the film.
Interestingly, Priyanka, who was recently seen in Suriya's Etharkkum Thunindhavan, made her Tamil debut in Nelson's sophomore film, Doctor, which was released last year. Sources state that the Rajini film, tentatively titled Thalaivar 169, will see Priyanka playing the actor's daughter. An official confirmation on it is expected soon.
Meanwhile, Nelson is awaiting the release of Vijay's Beast which is scheduled to release next month. Priyanka, on the other hand, will be seen with her Doctor co-star Sivakarthikeyan in Don which will hit the screens on 13 May.