The third single from the upcoming film Enna Solla Pogirai titled Uruttu has dropped. Ashwin Kumar, Avantika Mishra and Teju Ashwini play lead roles in the film. The song is penned by Maathevan, and the music for the film is composed by duo Vivek and Mervin. Sivaangi and Santesh have lent their voice to the song which was released by Muzik247.
The two songs released previously are Aasai and Cute Ponnu. Both were received well by the audiences. Composers Vivek and Mervin shared that they hoped their third single also made fans happy.
Enna Solla Pogirai is written and directed by A. Hariharan. The film has cinematography by Richard M Nathan and is produced by R Ravindran for Trident Arts. The first look posters for the film were released in October. This is advertised to be a happy-go-lucky romantic film. All that has been revealed about the plot is that it is a love triangle.