Punjabi singer and actor Gippy Grewal recently launched his single The Main Man. The song revolves around how two detectives go inside a casino and how the casino owner comes to know about it and murders one of the two persons. The single's concept is inspired by the Hollywood film Godfather and the track Bad Fella.
Gippy said, "I wanted to do an album for a long time and wanted to collaborate on it. Karan Aujhla, the lyricist, and I thought a lot about the song and I believe that when two people work together, it brings good results."
The song was partly shot in Punjab and partly in Canada. Gippy added, "My part was shot in Punjab. Keeping the pandemic in mind, we shot the video with a few people and took all precautions. Karan's part was shot in Canada. In Punjab, the single was directed by Rabi Singh and Sukh Sangera. Finally, the end product turned out so well, that one can't make out that the song is shot in two places."
Released earlier this week, The Main Man crossed nine lakh comments in one day. Gippy said, "I am happy that we could make a single that connected with masses and after a long time, we got such a huge response for this song."