Rakshit Shetty is currently basking in the success of his latest outing, Avane Srimannarayana. The period cop drama, which was released in all the four south Indian languages, has completed 25 days at the box office. Meanwhile, the actor is getting ready to resume the shooting for his next outing, 777 Charlie. The film’s shooting was started in May last year, and the makers were waiting for Rakshit to complete his commitment to Avane Srimannarayana.
While the first half of 777 Charlie has been completed, the shooting of the second half will start from January 29. The makers are planning to start the schedule in Dandeli, and the crew, along with Rakshit Shetty and the labrador dog, Charlie, will be travelling up to Kashmir for the other schedules.
Joining the lead actor will be the film’s heroine, Sangeetha Sringeri, and Dharmanna Kadur, along with other artistes. The film, directed by debutant Kiranraj, is presented by Pushkar Mallikarjunaiah and produced by Rakshit Shetty and JS Gupta, under the Paramvah Studios banner. The dialogues have been written by Abhijit Mahesh while Aravind Kashyap is handling the camera, and Nobin Paul is composing the film’s music.
Rakshit to start script work for Punyakoti
Rakshit, who will only be focusing on acting in 777 Charlie, will also be simultaneously working on the script of his next directorial, Punyakoti. The actor-director, during his breaks from the shoot, plans to stay out of Bengaluru, in a temporary camp, where he will be working on the storyboard. The filmmaker is all set to retell the legendary Punyakoti tale, and this will be his second directorial after Ulidavaru Kandante.
Rakshit had earlier told Cinema Express that he is giving a human face to Punyakoti, which will be set in ancient times. The story is about a cow, and he will include a lot of elements to make it a global film, he had said.
The film will be made in Kannada, and Rakshit plans to release it in other languages too. It will have Charan Raj’s music, while Karm Chawla will be the DOP, and Sachin, the editor and director of Avane Srimannarayana, will be handling the VFX.
Punyakoti will go on floors by the end of this year, and Rakshit plans to simultaneously take up his other project, Richie. The latter, directed by PA Rahul, will have Rakshit taking forward the character of Richie from Ulidavaru Kandante.