Raymo hero Ishan has got a break in the digital medium. Ishan, who made his acting debut with Rogue, now making his debut in a Telugu web-series. He has been travelling between Bengaluru and Hyderabad for the shooting, which is now in its second schedule. He got the role after he was approached by Arka Media Works, which also produced Baahubali. While the production house is yet to make an official announcement, it is being said that the web-series is being made with a huge budget and with a stellar cast, which also includes senior Tamil actor Sarathkumar.
Meanwhile, Ishan is waiting to complete the pending 10-day shooting schedule for Raymo, which is now planned for January. The film, directed by Pavan Wadeyar and produced by C R Manohar, is a romantic drama. It will be released in Tamil and Telugu as well. It stars Ashika Ranganath as the female lead, and has been shot in various foreign locations. Raymo brings together Pavan Wadeyar and music director Arjun Janya for the first time. It has cinematography by Vaidy.