After hitting theatres in November under the new guidelines, Abhishek Sharma’s Suraj Pe Mangal Bhari is now headed for an online release. The film, starring Manoj Bajpayee, Diljit Dosanjh, and Fatima Sana Shaikh, will be released on the pay-per-view service ZeePlex.
In October, theatres across most of India were allowed to re-open after a seven-month shutdown. The restrictions were lifted in Maharashtra, one of the worst-affected states, in November. However, with coronavirus cases still rising, occupancy in cinemas has been low.
Commenting on the film’s digital release, Shariq Patel, CEO, Zee Studios, said, “We are grateful to all those who came and enjoyed the film in the theatres. However, there is a large audience that still is not comfortable venturing out to the cinema halls. Keeping that in mind and continuing our promise of great content on ZeePlex, we are delighted to bring the family film of the year to the audience at home worldwide.”
Abhishek added in the same vein, “We are elated and overjoyed at the love that came our way, and now, it's important to take the film to a newer set of audience worldwide. Amidst rising cases, if the audience can't make it to the cinema, cinema must find its way to the audience. We are looking forward to more and more people watching our film.”
You can read our review of Suraj Pe Mangal Bhari here -