Radhika Madan, Sunny Kaushal, Diana Penty and Mohit Raina will star in Kunal Deshmukh’s upcoming film, Shiddat. Written by Sridhar Raghavan and Dheeraj Rattan, the story focuses on the parallel journeys of two couples. Produced by Dinesh Vijan, the film will be shot in Punjab, London and Paris.
“In our day and age, where love is taken so lightly, it is difficult to imagine the lengths people would go for it. Shiddat is not only a story about love, but the distance one travels for it,” shares Dinesh.
“The passion that overcomes maybe all senses or logic to do things that you wouldn’t usually imagine, the belief in something with all your heart and the drive to achieve it — that’s Shiddat,” he adds.
Radhika Madan made her Bollywood debut in Vishal Bhardwaj’s Pataakha. She is presently shooting for English Medium.
Sunny Kaushal, brother of Vicky Kaushal and son of action director Sham Kaushal, was last seen in Gold.
Diana Penty's recent appearance was in Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi, while Mohit Raina was praised for his performance in Uri: The Surgical Strike.