Gitanjali Rao's debut directorial feature Bombay Rose will open Venice International Film Critics' Week on August 29, prior to its North American premiere at the Toronto Film Festival 2019 on September 7, where it will premiere in the Contemporary World Cinema Strand.
"It's a beautiful evocation of love and full immersion in both its rich setting and the magic of Indian cinema," said Cameron Bailey, director of TIFF.
Bombay Rose is the story of a flower seller who has to make the choice between protecting her family or allowing herself to fall in love. Taking place on the streets of Mumbai (Bombay), the film moves from real life to fantasy through songs.
The film marks feature debut of animator Gitanjali, whose previous five animated short films — Blue, Orange, Printed Rainbow, Chai and TrueLoveStory — have received a total of 30 awards and been screened in over 150 film festivals.
"They say it takes a village to bring up a child, well it took hundreds of hardworking, ambitious and talented Indian artistes to make Bombay Rose and I am as delighted for them, as I am for me, that Bombay Rose is gaining such recognition," says Gitanjali, whose film is produced by Anand Mahindra and Rohit Khattar.