Even as Ajith Kumar's next, Nerkonda Paarvai — the first collaboration between actor Ajith, director H Vinoth, and producer Boney Kapoor — is all set to hit the screens tomorrow (August 8), updates about their next have started doing the rounds. AK 60 aka Thala 60, again directed by Vinoth, is said to be an original script — an action-packed entertainer that will be made on a massive budget.
The latest speculation about Thala 60 is that Arun Vijay, who previously played a key role in Gautham Menon's 2015 action thriller Yennai Arindhaal, has been roped in to play the antagonist. An official announcement in this regard is awaited.
Reports are also rife that Jhanvi Kapoor will be making her Tamil debut with this project, playing a pivotal role.
Meanwhile, it was recently reported that the makers had roped in AR Rahman for the film, but the ace composer revealed in an interview that he could not take up the project due to his prior commitments.
Ajith, interestingly, seems to have shed quite a few kilos to look the part of the racer in the action film. AK 60 is said to be completely different from Nerkonda Paarvai. Producer Boney Kapoor had also revealed that the film will capitalise on the actor's passion for racing. Thala 60 is expected to be shot in locations like Budapest, South Africa, and the Middle East.