Kichcha Sudeep, who is doing the promotional rounds for his upcoming film, Pailwaan, directed by S Krishna, which is set for release on Thursday (September 12), had a special interview at the Twitter headquarters. Sudeep became the first Kannada celebrity to enter the famed 'Blueroom'. This also happened to be the first-ever conversation in Kannada in the history of Twitter.
A lot of the actor's fans and celebrities had questions, and Sudeep was at his wittiest best answering all of them.
Director, actor, and producer Rakshit Shetty asked:
Sudeep replied, "If your concentration is on writing dialogues, or thinking about newer things to create, or working on Avane Srimannarayana, then workout will not be fruitful. Your first schedule is to go to the gym. I’ll meet you at the gym and explain the rest."
Director SimpleSuni asked, "Should we call you Pailwaan Sudeep or Kichcha Sudeep?"
Sudeep answered, "I love Suni because he writes so well. You can call me whatever you want. Krishna has multiple names too. But you need to call it with love, if there’s no love in it I’ll know it."
Director Rishab Shetty asked, "Please tell us one line about Pailwaan and what was most exciting about the film?"
Sudeep's answer: "Rishab, I actually want to learn how to tell things in one line from you. I have observed how you explain complicated things in one line and in a very simple way. So I’ll actually learn it from you and then tweet it and mention that it’s courtesy - Rishab Shetty."
Priya Radhakrishnan, Sudeep's wife, asked:
Sudeep replied, "Very soon. I’m right now in Salman Khan’s custody. The moment I’m released from here I’ll come home, the fun part is I’m always in somebody’s custody."
Kavya, the co-founder of The Big Little, official Digital Partners for Pailwaan says, "The team has been working for over three weeks, and to finally be able to put Kannada on a national platform and to be able to bring Sudeep sir for an interview at Twitter is immensely satisfying."