Director Santhosh P Jayakumar's adult comedy, Iruttu Araiyil Murattu Kuthu (IAMK), is all set to get a sequel. The original, which starred Gautham Karthik, Vaibhavi Shandilya, Chandrika Ravi and Yaashika Anand, was successful at the box-office, despite negative reviews and several controversies regarding the objectification of women and members of the LGBT community.
Santhosh, who is currently shooting his fourth film, an investigative thriller, titled Pulanaivu, starring Arvind Swamy as a detective, says that the preproduction work for the IAMK sequel has begun, and is proceeding at a brisk pace.
"The new film will not be a continuation of the original. It will be a stand-alone project, featuring a new cast. We are planning to go on floors in the first week of December, and finish the film in a single schedule. IAMK 2 will get a summer 2020 release. The cast will be announced in the first-look poster, which will be released in the third week of November," he says.
Santhosh last directed the romcom, Ghajinikanth, starring Arya and Sayesshaa.