Director Senna Hegde and producer Pushkar, who had earlier collaborated on Katheyondu Shuruvagide, are teaming up for the second time. While the director’s first Kannada film was a romantic drama with limited characters, the new film will apparently be a rural drama.
“I am thrilled to join hands with Pushkar Mallikarjunaiah again. The kind of free hand he gave to me as a debut director boosted my confidence, and I felt that I was working with a friend,” the director says.
Senna adds that he has come up with a light-hearted comedy script and is planning to shoot it in a coastal area. “The film will not be based on a single male or female lead. Instead, it will have plenty of characters in the centre. This conversational movie takes place at a get-together. It will be a combination of happy and bitter moments of life,” he reveals.
The director, who is planning to start shooting in early September, has plans to select his cast through auditions. “Abhijit Mahesh will be penning the dialogues and Sreeraj Raveendran is our film’s cinematographer. We are yet to confirm the other technicians and cast members. A few actors from Katheyondu Shuruvagide, except the lead stars, may be part of this film too,” Senna says.
Producer Pushkar feels the content of the new film is a unique one. “Just like Katheyondu Shuruvagide, this film also has an interesting subject. Senna has a strong technical background and he is good at execution. We are looking forward to giving the audience a complete entertainer,” he says.