Director Arun Kumar Aravind's upcoming film Underworld is all set to release on August 9. Vijay Babu, whose Friday Film House is distributing the film, shared the news on his Facebook page. The follow-up to Arun's Kaattu, Underworld also features Farhaan Faasil, Lal Jr., Mukesh, Samyuktha Menon, and Ketaki Narayan.
Meanwhile, Asif, who is basking in the success of his recent releases Uyare and Virus, is awaiting his next, Kakshi: Amminipilla. The courtroom satire, in which Asif is playing a lawyer, has been confirmed for release this Friday. Farhaan's last film was Basheerinte Premalekhanam. Samyuktha's upcoming film Kalki is expected to release in the same week, on August 8.
Underworld is written by Shibin Francis and produced by D14 Entertainments. Shibin had recently told us that the film is "not a typical hero-villain story" and will have characters with grey shades. The film has been shot in and around Thalassery, Coimbatore, Goa, and Mangaluru.