Santhosh P Jayakumar, who made his directorial debut with 2017's Hara Hara Mahadevaki, and later went on to make Iruttu Araiyil Murattu Kuththu (IAMK) and Ghajinikanth, has turned actor for his next venture, a 'spiritual sequel' to IAMK.
"I actually approached a lot of actors for IAMK 2, but they were concerned about their image and did not want to be a part of the film. Then, my well-wishers suggested that I play the lead. Luckily, I have been working out for a year to get back to being athletic like I was back in my school days. I've lost 18 kgs, and everyone was impressed. That gave me the push to take on this challenge," says Santhosh, adding that shooting began last week. "It will not be a continuation of IAMK, but will have the essence of the adult-horror film. It will, in fact, have more fun elements when compared to the first part."
IAMK 2, which also stars Daniel Annie Pope, Ravi Mariya, Chaams, Vijay TV-fame TSK, and Rajendran, will have three debutantes as the female leads.