Director Chethan Kumar’s films are usually marked with grandeur, especially of a religious nature, and his latest film, Bhaarate, is no different. While he had recreated Panchamukhi Anjeneya for his debut Bahaddur, a huge statue of Lakshmi Narasimha Swami was erected for Bharjari. This time, in Bharaate, starring Sriimurali and Sreeleela, a huge statue of goddess Chowdeshwari and lord Shiva have been set up, while a Durga statue is said to be in the making.
For the third schedule that began on November 9 in and around Mandya, the makers lit up the temple town of Melukote, including the area around the Kalyani (temple tank). In the photographs we got hold of, the sets wore a traditional look with extraordinary designs created by Mohan B Kere.
This particular shoot involved the lead actors, along with ensemble cast, in scenes with family elements and action portions. More than 1000 people, including the actors, junior artistes and technicians, are rumoured to have come together for these sequences shot in Melkote.
The team is likely to complete this particular schedule on November 22. Produced by Supreeth, Bharaate’s music has been scored by Arjun Janya. The film also stars senior actor Suman in a pivotal role, along with Tara, Rangayana Raghu Petrol Prasanna, Mico Nagaraj, and Tamil actors Kalanidhi and Periyavar.
This family drama is also a mass commercial entertainer with major actions blocks. Moving from the temple sequences, the team is now shooting the action sequences choreographed by stuntman Ravi Varma. Previously, Chethan completed two action sequences in Rajasthan and Mandya, created by stunt masters Ganesh and Vijay. The team is still left with a couple more action scenes, which are planned to be shot in the coming days.