Julia Roberts says drama film Wonder is similar to a superhero movie. Roberts, who portrays Isabel, the mother of August 'Auggie' Pullman (Jacob Tremblay) who has a rare genetic disorder named Treacher Collins, believes the drama, which is in production, should be placed in a different film category because of the topic it addresses.
"To me, Wonder is a superhero movie because Auggie is a superhero," she says.
The Pretty Woman star says she begged directors to cast her in the film adaptation of the novel of the same name because she and her children loved it.
"It stopped me in my tracks. I read it with my kids, I loved it, they loved it. I hurled myself on the mercy of the producers and said, 'Please, let me be in this movie. I want to be the mom'. I couldn't put the book down. It is such a powerful way of telling people how they should behave to others," Roberts says.
"It reminded me to find moments in every day to choose the nice approach with other people," she adds.