A new investigative crime drama titled Bhakshak, starring Bhumi Pednekar and Sanjay Mishra has been announced. The film is directed by Pulkit, who has also co-written it with Jyotsana Nath. Produced by Gauri Khan and Gaurav Verma under Red Chillies Entertainment, the film also stars Aditya Srivastava and Sai Tamhankar in pivotal roles. It is set to release on Netflix on February 9.
The teaser for the film also came out where Bhumi Pednekar plays the role of Vaishali Singh who is an investigative journalist wanting to bring to light a heinous crime. The teaser gives a glimpse into the intense world of the film.
Speaking about the film, director Pulkit said in a press release, “Our aim was to shed light on the harsh realities of society and spark conversations that lead to meaningful change, I am looking forward to more people joining this important dialogue.”
Expressing his thoughts on the film’s release, producer Gaurav Verma said in the press note, “We believe in storytelling that not only entertains but also enlightens. This film is a testament to our commitment to narratives that provoke thought and inspire societal reflections. We are excited to collaborate with Netflix to share this impactful story with audiences worldwide.”