The shooting of Aashiq Abu’s Rifle Club commenced in Mundakayam the other day. The film has an ensemble cast that includes Dileesh Pothan, Vishnu Agasthya, Vani Viswanath, Vijayaraghavan, Vincy Aloshious, Ramzan Muhammed, Surabhi Lakshmi, and Unnimaya Prasad. Ace Bollywood filmmaker Anurag Kashyap is also making his Malayalam debut with the film; he is reportedly playing a negative role in it.
Rifle Club is scripted by Syam Pushkaran, Dileesh Karunakaran, Suhas, and Sharfu. Its technical crew includes music director Rex Vijayan, editor V Saajan, production designer Ajayan Chalissery, makeup artist Ronex Xavier, and costume designer Mashar Hamsa. Aashiq Abu is also taking on the cinematography duties for the film. Aashiq had earlier shot the upcoming Matthew Thomas-starrer Lovely, directed by Dileesh Karunakaran.
Produced by OPM Cinemas in partnership with TRU Stories Entertainment, Rifle Club is expected to be a 2024 Onam release.