The makers of the Malayalam film Sureshanteyum Sumalathayudeyum Hridayahaariyaaya Pranayakatha released a song titled Naadaake Naadakam on Saturday. The film is directed by Ratheesh Balakrishna Povuval, who has previously helmed Android Kunjappan Version 5.25 and Nna Thaan Case Kodu.
Composed by Dawn Vincent and lyrics penned by Vaisakh Sugunan, the song has been sung by Aloshi Adams, Sannidhanandan, Ashok T Ponnappan, Subramanian KV and Raji.
SSHP is a spin-off, spanning across three time periods, centered around the characters Suresh and Sumalatha from Ratheesh Balakrishnan's 2022 film Nna Thaan Case Kodu. Rajesh Madhavan and Chithra Nair plays the titular lead roles. Kunchacko Boban, the lead actor from the original film, is also part of the project.
The film is being produced by Emmanuel Joseph and Ajith Thalapalli, with director Ratheesh, Jay K, and Vivek Harshan serving as co-producers. Its technical team comprises cinematographer Sabin Ooralukandy and editor Akash Thomas. Mafia Sasi handles stunt choreography, and Madanolsavam fame Sudheesh Gopinath serves as the creative director.
The makers have also announced May 16 as the scheduled release date.