Earlier, we had reported that actor Honey Rose have teamed up with a debutante director, Anandhini Bala, for an upcoming film titled Rachel. On Monday, the makers released a new poster from the film.
The new poster features Honey Rose and co-actor Radhika Radhakrishnan sitting on a coir cot, gazing up, feeling the rain.
Rachel is co-written by director Abrid Shine and poet Rahul Manappatt, based on the latter's story. Besides serving as the writer of the film, Abrid Shine also co-produces the film along with Badusha NM and Shinoy Mathew under Badusha Productions and Pen & Paper Creations banners.
Rachel also stars Baburaj, Kalabhavan shajon, Jaffer idukki, Radhika, Vandita, Roshan Basheer, Chandu Salim Kumar, Pauly Valsan, Vineeth Thattil, Dinesh Prabhakar, Joji, and Baiju Ezhupunna.Rachel's technical team comprises music composer Ishaan Chhabra, cinematographer Chandru Selvaraj and editor Manoj.
Meanwhile, Honey Rose, who was last seen in Shankar Ramakrishnan's Rani: The Real Story, has T S Suresh Babu's DNA in the pipeline.