Sudheesh Gopinath, who made his directorial debut with Madanolsavam, is set to begin work on his next. Reportedly titled Njanum Varatteyo Ninte Koode, the film will be headlined by Soubin Shahir. It is produced by David Kachappilly.
Sudheesh's maiden film Madanolsavam starred Suraj Venjaramoodu and Babu Antony in prominent roles. The political satire, scripted by Ratheesh Balakrishnan Poduval, was well received by the critics as well as the common audience.
Sudheesh is currently working as the chief associate director in Sureshinteyum Sumalathayudeyum Hridayahariyaya Pranayakatha, directed by Ratheesh Balakrishnan Poduval. It is a spin-off on the characters Sureshan and Sumalatha from Nna Thaan Case Kodu.
Njanum Varatteyo Ninte Koode will go on floors only after the wrapping up of Sureshinteyum Sumalathayudeyum Hridayahariyaya Pranayakatha.