Dileep's Voice of Sathyanathan is eyeing a May release. On Friday, the makers announced that its teaser will be out on April 29 at 6 PM. The film marks Dileep's return to the big screen—as a lead actor—after four long years. His last theatre release was My Santa. In the meanwhile, he had a direct OTT release in Keshu Ee Veedinte Nadhan, apart from a cameo appearance in his brother Anoop's directorial debut Thattassery Koottam.
Voice of Sathyanathan is written and directed by Raffi. The film was shot for over 70 days across Mumbai, Delhi, Rajasthan and Kerala. It has Kettyolaanu Ente Malakha-fame Veena Nandakumar as the female lead. Anupam Kher, Joju George, Siddique, Prakash Raj, Jagapathi Babu, Makarand Deshpande, Johny Antony, and Jaffer Sadiq are also part of the cast. Jithin Stanislaus is the cinematographer, and Shameer Muhammed handles the edits. Justin Varghese is the composer.