Written and directed by Vishnu Unnikrishnan and Bibin George, Vedikettu also stars the duo in lead roles. The film’s release date was announced by the makers on Saturday. Taking to Instagram with a poster, the makers revealed that Vedikettu will release on February 3.
Aiswarya will be seen as the female lead in the film which also features several other new talents. Ratheesh Ram is roped in as the cinematographer and the editing is handled by John Kutty. Shyam Prasad, Shibu Pularkazhcha, and Arjun V Akshaya will be composing the music for Vedikettu. The background music is composed by Alphons Joseph. Sajeesh Thamarassery is roped in as the art director for the film.
Meanwhile, Vishnu Unnikrishnan is awaiting the release of Red River and is filming for Anuradha Crime No 59/2019. His film, Salamon is in the pre-production stage. Previously, Vishnu Unnikrishnan and Bibin George have worked as co-writers on Amar Akbar Anthony, Kattappanayile Rithwik Roshan, and Oru Yamandan Premakadha.