Ezra director Jay K's next with Kunchacko Boban and Suraj Venjaramoodu started rolling recently in Thiruvananthapuram. Shaji Nadesan is backing the film under the banner of August Cinemas. We hear that the makers have signed Shruti Ramachandran and Anagha as the female leads. While Shruti is popular for her roles in Sunday Holiday, Madhuram, and Kaanekkaane, Anagha played notable roles in Parava and Bheeshma Parvam.
As per our sources, this upcoming film, which is yet to be titled, is planned as a fun entertainer with a zoo and animals as part of the storyline. Shobhi Thilakan will also be essaying a prominent role in the film. Jayesh Nair is handling the cinematography, and the music is by Dawn Vincent.